Okaloa sebastien.goodwin@® workshops are an experiential way to learn about different aspects of business agility: 1) flow, 2) collaboration, and 3) learning. Each workshop allows participants to experience old and new (more agile) ways of organizing work through simulations. Exercises and discussions in small groups complement reflections of participants on their own practices and ways of working. For the participants, it is an eye-opener, giving a personal motivation to question themselves more and to change their way of working.
By not being restricted to a particular type of work, these workshops speak to all functions (HR, Marketing, IT, …). By including a whole range of contexts (team, multi-teams, value-stream, portfolio…), these workshops speak to all levels of the organization.
Like airplane pilots who train on a simulator (what to do in the event of bad weather, incidents, dangerous or rare situations, etc.), Okaloa sebastien.goodwin@ provides an environment for testing different scenarios in a safe environment. These simulations allow your teams to learn, practice and test new ways of doing things in order to be fully operational in a real situation.
Okaloa sebastien.goodwin@s workshops can be used regardless of the methods currently used by the organization (Waterfall, project driven / PMI, Lean, Agile, Kanban, Scrum, SAFe, Scrumban...).
"Team Flow" simulation is focused on team level. It is used to highlight the difference between "resource efficiency" and "flow efficiency" approaches.
Participants will experience the improvements brought by WIP limits (Work In Progress), deferred commitment, as well as the impact of collaboration policies. In doing so, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the interactions between flow, collaboration, and learning.
In this workshop, we will also discuss different levels of system thinking (linear causality, causal loops, complexity) that inhibit or support different ways of working and evolutionary change.
No prerequisites are required to take part in this training.
"Team Flow" simulation is included in Kanban System Design (KSD) training.
"Scrumban" simulation explores the workflow level, which are common in JIRA or any other similar tracking system, whereby work goes from one person to another, and back in case of loopbacks (bugs, reworks...). It is common to encounter different types of tasks, dependencies between tasks, specialized workers or teams, as well as bottlenecks.
Participants will experience the improvements brought by slicing value, collaborative policies aimed at developing skills, and the principle of stopping the line or "andon" from Lean. We will build on insights of "Team Flow" simulation to explore in more depth the interactions between flow, collaboration and learning.
In this workshop, we will also discuss the concept of staff liquidity.
Previous participation in the "Team Flow" simulation is highly recommended.
"Scrumban" simulation is included in Kanban Systems Improvement (KSI) training.
Coming soon.