
Agile coach and expert in the Kanban method (trainer and certified Kanban coach), Sébastien has a solid experience in supporting organizations in their Agile and Lean transformation.

Sébastien also has expertise in managing complex projects, problem solving and continuous improvement. He works in collaboration with geographically distributed teams both in France and internationally on a daily basis.


+33 (0)6 08 14 84 74
Kudja SAS
5 Allée de Pampre
38330 Saint Ismier

Kudja ?

Pronounced [ˈkudʒa] , Kudja is a deformation of the noun "passion fruit" (passiflora edulis) in different languages:

Bright colors, unique taste, rich source of vitamins and antioxidants, it fits with Kudja's values and identity. As a fast-growing vine, it can reach up to 50 meters in length for the larger ones. It is a metaphor of a successful Agile transformation that progressively spreads throughout the organization. The different varieties remind us that there is not just one form of Agile transformation, Kudja adapts the solutions offered to its customers according to their needs and context.